Golden Paste
Golden Paste
Golden Paste
Golden Paste
Golden Paste
The Holistic Hound

Golden Paste

Regular price €8.95
Sale price

Product Description

Full spectrum of benefits in the form of a paste.

Full spectrum of benefits in the form of a paste. From digestion to joints, this paste supports good health in many ways.

Key Benefits: 

Golden Paste is a super supplement with endless benefits.

  • Supports the digestive, immune and circulatory systems.

  • Supports organ health.

  • It is anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and so much more.

  • It is an excellent preventative measure and is safe to consume daily for a lifetime.


Particularly recommended for:

  • Dogs with any musculoskeletal condition or inflammation of joints e.g. arthritis, hip dysplasia.

  • Dogs with any auto immune diseases/immune system problems or general digestion inflammation e.g. irritable bowel.

  • Dogs with skin problems, dermatitis, allergies, sebaceous cysts etc.

  • Dogs with tumours or other cancers.


This product must be kept refrigerated or frozen at all times. If left out of the fridge for any length of time, the paste will expand and the pouch is liable to burst. 

The Golden Paste pouches are only posted on Monday - Wednesday with overnight delivery in Ireland. This avoids the potential for pouches sitting in a warehouse over the weekend.