Holistic Hound

News, Nutrition & Tips

Prednisone : Benefits and Risks

Prednisone : Benefits and Risks

Steroids, such as prednisolone, commonly prescribed as prednisone , dexamethasone, triamcinolone or methylprednisolone are powerful medications prescribed by vets to treat a wide range of conditions in animals. While it can be a lifesaver in acute situations, it's important to understand both its benefits and potential drawbacks.

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Doggo Dental Health : Ailments

Doggo Dental Health : Ailments

Regularly checking the gum colour and texture of your dog's gums is an important way to monitor their health. It’s important to familiarise yourself with their natural look.

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5 Tips for Dog Dental Health

5 Tips for Dog Dental Health

 Today, we're looking at 5 Top Tips to keep your dogs dental health in tip top shape! There is a clear link between bad mouth bacteria and heart disease, so it's important to know what to look for! 

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Can my dog eat this? Avocados

Can my dog eat this? Avocados

More and more owners are moving away from processed dry and tinned foods towards more natural, healthy diets for their pets. With this shift comes considerable confusion and misinformation. Are blackberries poisonous? Is garlic good or bad for dogs? What about avocado?

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Keeping Your Dog Worm-Free: Natural vs Chemical Options

Keeping Your Dog Worm-Free: Natural vs Chemical Options

Pharmaceutical treatments have only been around since the 1930’s, whereas herbs have been used to repel parasites for hundreds of years. Natural herbs work with the pet's system to create an environment that repels adult worms and in which they cannot survive.

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