Can My Dog Eat This? Baked Goods
This is our latest post in the series covering foods that your dog can / should eat or avoid completely. We break it down into bitesize articles and will cover everything from artichokes to antelope! These are all extracts from Jo’s upcoming book called “Can My Dog Eat This?”
Want to have your cake and eat it? So does your dog!!!
Although breads, cakes and other deserts are generally safe for your dogs, there are no baked goods, sweets or desserts that are actually good for your doggies. They are all typically high in sugars and fats, and highly processed.
Commercially baked goods are also often sweetened with xylitol, which is toxic to dogs and can cause your dog's blood sugar to drop and can cause liver failure.
So whilst it is OK for your dog to share the odd cake crumbs or crust of bread, all baked goods should typically be avoided. Alternatively seek out “pet specific” baked treats, which have been manufactured with your dog in mind if you want to treat them. Or better still, make your own! There are lots of recipes online for dog birthday cakes and other treats.
Similarly, sweets and candies should also be avoided in general as they are typically high in sugars, and many use artificial sweeteners, gelatins, flavourings and colourings.
Bread Dough
If you’ve ever made bread from scratch, then you know that dough has to rise, preferably in a warm, moist, draft-free environment. Unfortunately for dogs that get hold of bread dough, their stomachs offer optimum conditions for rising dough.
When a dog eats bread dough, the yeast in the dough continues to make the dough rise, distending his stomach and releasing toxic levels of ethanol into the dog’s bloodstream. The pressure of the rising dough can mimic and cause bloat, but the real danger is from alcohol toxicosis.
If you suspect your dog has ingested bread dough seek immediate veterinary assistance.
Turbulent Tummies?

Golden Paste